Jumat, 10 Mei 2013

[J-Actor] Matsumoto Jun

Hello Minna~ Today I'm going to post about another ikemen~ Matsumoto Jun. Anyone didn't know him? Well, he mostly known for his role in Gokusen and Hana Yori Dango 
And here it is, some trivia about him~ enjoy :D

  • Name: Matsumoto Jun (松本潤). His chinese name is "Song Ben Run" based on his kanji name.
  • Nicknames: Matsujun, Junji, King [by all member of Arashi], Jun-Chan, Matsumoto-kun, Do-S
  • Profession: Actor, singer (band Arashi)
  • Birthdate: 1983-Aug-30
  • Birthplace: Tokyo, Japan
  • Height: 173cm
  • Weight: 58kg
  • Star sign: Virgo
  • Blood type: A- (a rare blood type).
  • Family: Parents and Older sister (2 years older)
  • Favorite Quote: “Enjoy”. (楽しむ - Tanoshimu)
  • Favorite Colours: White, black and blue
  • Favorite Food: Soba, Mangoes, and Dry Plum
  • Hobbies and interests: Music, DVDs, photography, and reading
  • Specialty: Baseball
  • High school: Horikoshi High School
  • Pet(s): a Hamster and a Turtle
  • Pet he would love to have: Dog
  • Talent agency: Johnny's Entertainment

Jun Matsumoto often called by the nickname MatsuJun is a Japanese idol, singer, actor and radio host. He is a member of Japanese boy band Arashi and is best known to Japanese television drama audiences for his portrayal as Tsukasa Dōmyōji in the Hana Yori Dangoseries, in which he won GQ Japan's Man Of The Year Award under the singer/actor category for his work in the drama.
Matsumoto began his career in the entertainment industry when he joined the Japanese talent agency Johnny & Associates in 1996 at the age of 12. Prior to his debut as a singer with Arashi in 1999, Matsumoto started an acting career when he was cast as Teddy Duchamp for the stage play Stand by Me, which was based on the film of the same name. Since then, he has went on to appear in numerous dramas and movies, receiving a number of awards and nominations for his roles.

Facts and Trivia
  • Jun became interested in JE when his older sister was in 2nd year of middle school, when she became a fan of Kinki Kids. Jun watched Kinki Kids with his sister, and decided to apply to Johnny's Jimusho (JE). He sent his CV on the day of his Elementary School graduation, thinking it may be of good luck. Usually applicants then receive a letter inviting them to audition, but Jun received a phone call directly from Johnny Kitagawa inviting him to a rehearsal in the old TV Asahi building. He is the only Arashi member who did not have to go to audition and actually one of J.E elite member.
  • All of Arashi have stated that he cares most for the members and the group itself. He is close to his bandmates and has stated that they have never properly fought since they were brought together by the agency
  • He is the youngest member in Arashi.
  • Despite not being the best singer in the group, MatsuJun is always the ones that designs their performances in concert and onstage, and has been labeled as 'concert master' by Ohno, mainly because of his take charge attitude, as well as the attention he pays to every detail during their live performances.
  • He is the most 'princess-like' member in Arashi, so labeled because of his dislike in getting embarassed, he receives his fair share of crazy stunts, which includes getting flour in his face, as well as running, and drowning, in corn starch.
  • He is one of the very well-known "A"-list young actors in dramas and movies. He is also known for roles derived from popular manga (Japanese comics) series. His latest role (Fall 2005) was the unforgettable Tsukasa Domyouji in the Japanese live-action version of the manga series Hana Yori Dango (Boys Over Flowers).
  • Won Best Supporting Actor awards at the Television Drama Academy Awards for the role of Shin Sawada in Gokusen in 2002, and for Domyouji Tsukasa in Hana Yori Dango in 2005.
  • In ten years the job he would want to be doing would be to be the host of Shounen Club Premium.
  • He enjoys baths and often spends hours in them, listening to music and relaxing.
  • Jun hosts Jun Style, a radio show in Japan.
  • At the Arashi debut event on a ship off Hawaii, he had the job of holding a large flag. However, Sho mentioned later that because the wind was so strong, Jun was almost blown away.
  • On his off days he likes driving out to the sea. He mentioned in his appearance on "Orhareism" that he usually drives there alone, and when he gets bored he rings his friends from if sea to arrange to meet up.
  • He is good friends with his high school classmates, namely Shichinosuke Nakamura (Kabuki Actor) and Ryuhei Matsuda.
  • He is Myopic, he wears contact lenses, frequently seen with spectacles.
  • Once crashed Aiba’s car after driving a few metres.
  • He likes his drinks warm (at room temperature) because his stomach isn’t strong.
  • Loves wine. A LOT. He doesn’t drink much but likes to make other people drink. Once made Nino really drunk but took good care of him. He got really drunk once and spilled red wine on Aiba (Aiba had white a shirt on).
  • Doesn’t remember anything after a hangover.
  • He played baseball in grade school.
  • He can’t do a back flip (all Johnny’s boys are suppose to be able to).
  • He admits he’s neurotic – he likes to clean and can’t stand anything messy or dirty.
  • He’s very honest and has a sharp tongue.
  • He can get very emotional.
  • Watching emotional movies makes him cry sometimes. But he doesn’t like people to see him cry. When he was younger he watched the movie Forrest Gump with his family. Moved, he could feel the tears coming out already at some points of the movie, but because he was with his family he was embarrassed to cry in front of them. Finally, when he could no longer keep in his emotions, he ran out of the theatre and cried.
  • Got a wind cellar at his house.
  • Hideaki Takizawa (of Tackey and Tsubasa) is his good friend. For Hideaki’s birthday a couple of years ago, Jun brought him a balloon and a cake at midnight. On Takki’s 16th birthday, they were all working outstation. Jun burst into his room to celebrate with him, but Takki refused to wake up. Jun was so angry that he finished up Takki’s cake.
  • After acting in the popular J-drama Kimi Wa Petto (You’re My Pet), he was voted as the best celebrity you want as your pet.
  • He doesn’t like a dirty table. If he sees one, he uses his sleeves to clean it.
  • He doesn’t like kids, but wants them some time in future.
  • During one scene in Hana Yori Dango, he had to put a bandage on his face but due to his small face, he had to cut it to make it look proportional to his face.
  • He’s the first Japanese celebrity to appear on the cover of Marie Claire magazine (all the other guys who’ve graced the cover in its 24-year history were all from other countries including David Beckham).
  • Oguri Shun and Narimiya Hiroki are his good friends.
  • He loves exercise ball.
  • He has pet turtles (5 of them). They were given by Nino (Arashi bandmate) on his 17th birthday and he still hasn’t named them. He gave one back to him on Nino’s 21st birthday. His 17th birthday presents from other members: Electric Massager from Sho, Skateboard from Aiba, and Self Portrait from Ohno. Jun felt really happy that the members remembered his birthday.
  • Those turtles Nino gave him are “fine”. Other than changes in size, they were once frozen to death, and were ‘revived’ after being dipped into hot water. On August 30, 2007 (his birthday) his mother sent him a birthday e-mail. Attached to it was a picture of his turtles and a message along the lines of "Your turtles have grown one year older too."
  • He accidentally kissed Nino at a concert (23/July/2006), but Nino meant to do it.
  • Earned the nickname Do-S Banchou (S stands for Sadist).
  • He is near-sighted. He usually wears contact lenses for work, but other times he wears glasses.
  • Had buckteeth when he was younger. His teeth are not fixed by braces, they were extracted and replaced.
  • Chief attractions in girls are eyes and hair.
  • Unless he initiates it, Jun's not comfortable being touched freely by others.
  • When he first read the Hana Yori Dango manga, his favorite character was Hanazawa Rui. However, when he was given the role of Tsukasa Domyouji, he revisited the manga again and was able to identify with Domyouji's character so much that he admitted to crying while reading some parts of the manga.
  • Oguri Shun got the role of Hanazawa Rui in Hana Yori Dango because Jun told producers that he would not play Domyouji if Shun didn’t get the role of Rui.
  • He didn’t like the Hana Yori Dango curls as much as any of us because of the fashion problems it posed on him. When he was on set, it was fine because he had costumes; but once he was out, he couldn’t find anything in his wardrobe to compliment his curly hairstyle.
  • He’s a fan of Tom Hanks and Harry Potter.
  • Loves to change his hairstyle.
  • He gets really shy when it comes to expressing his feelings to girls.
  • Sho (another Arashi bandmate) was once his private tutor. In fact, Sho was the one who encouraged Jun to finish High School.
  • A choreographer once made him cry.
  • He isn’t known to be punctual.
  • He is teased mercilessly, as all Arashi members are
  • Being a part of Arashi is very important to him, and he is always introduced as Matsumoto Jun of Arashi in every interview He loves shades, and has almost 500 pairs of them
  • He has appeared in the stageplay of West Side Story with 2 of his members, and East of Eden
  • Despite his role of Doumyouji being a fighter, Jun is really a rather peaceful person
  • He does fund raisings
  • Jun never really expresses his feelings, affectionate and romantic ones especially
  • He won GQ Man of the Year 2008
  • Jun never learned how to cook before he got casted for the role Bambino, but ever since then, he has been cooking quite often, and has developed a liking for it.
  • Many people say that Jun is so dedicated to his acting that he stays in character for the duration of the filming even during the variety shows.
  • He is very devoted to Arashi, and has been quoted by one of the bandmates as "if Arashi was in a building and it collapsed, Jun would be the one holding up the pillars so the other members can escape!"
  • Jun is not a very friendly person...he won't approach a person unless the person makes the first move. He keeps to the people he knows well.
  • He likes to cross his legs while sitting.
  • Because many Arashi fans were lured into Arashi by Jun (usually Gokusen, Hanadan or KWP), fans have nicknamed it the 'jun-bait'.
  • Jun seems to have this anime/manga thing going on in his screenwork!
  • Happiest moment was when he made his debut
  • Good in soccer and proud of it too. He can do 100 times of lifting (whatever that is) supposedly, however, he was once asked to demonstrate for the MYOJO magazine interview and he couldn't even complete 3!!!
  • He would always discard all the deep fried stuff in his bento before tucking in
  • He and Nino are said to be the most timid in A.RA.SHI, in the sense that they probably get frightened just by watching horror shows!
  • He used to idolize Sho when he was younger.
  • Finds Mandarin extremely hard to learn.
  • He is good at football and once in the football team. But he never played a real game before, left when he entered Johnny’s.
  • Known to be the most fashionable in Arashi.
  • His best friend in Arashi is Aiba.
  • Went on a holiday in Los Angeles in summer ’07 with a friend. He recalled that he once said to an American girl, “I don’t speak English.”
  • He loves to go to the beach.
  • Loves surfing. His so-called mentor is his senpai Tatsuya Yamaguchi of Tokio.
  • Favourite activity at the beach is swimming and playing with a dog (but he doesn’t have one).
  • During an episode of Music Station, he was seen staring intently at Utada Hikaru beside him. In fact, Jun-kun and Hikki-chan were challenging each other to pick their nose in front of the camera. Hikki-chan didn’t, but Jun did at the end of the show when he was answering Tamori’s question!
  • Loves attention.
  • Has a rack of clothes above his bed, as it’s ‘convenient’ to grab something instead of searching through his wardrobe. Jun used to have a room so messy that sometimes when he slept, he would jerk awake when clothes fell onto his face. Now though, he has a sort of clothesline above his bed, and he just grabs the clothes he wants to wear, saying its a lot more convenient.
  • The places he would love to visit are Los Angeles and Las Vegas. He was able to visit both-- Las Vegas, for the filming of Hana Yori Dango Final (2008) and L.A. for the advanced screening of his movie Kakushi Toride no San Akunin (2008).
  • He greatly admires Johnny Depp, Janet Jackson Kevin Spacey, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Brad Pitt as actors. He also enjoys Kabuki.
  • Aoki Kotomi, the author of the manga "Boku wa Imouto Ni Koi O Suru", confessed being so excited that she nearly fainted when she found out that Jun was chosen to play the lead role of brother, Yori. She is a big fan of Matsujun and named one of her manga characters "Jun" because of him.
  • Jun is very picky about movie/drama scripts, and will only act the roles and scripts that interest him.
  • One of the reasons why Jun took on the role of Domyouji Tsukasa was so that Arashi could release a new single, "Wish".
  • Sato Atsuhiro is a very respected senpai of Jun. He feels that they are "fated" to be friends since they share the same birthday and hobbies.
  • He likes dry plums so much that he stole them away from Aiba.
  • His height when he first entered Johnny’s: 150cm.
  • When he was in 2nd grade, there was an incident wherein he ran out onto the road and was knocked over by a van and was severely injured. Despite this, he was as chirpy and cheerful as he could be. So cheerful that when the ambulance came, he just kept apologizing to the uncle, saying he was naughty for running out onto the road.
  • He really likes KichiToka workroom's "Sound of Waves" and has watched it over four times.
  • In the Official Arashi Calendar 2001, Jun’s pictures were edited to hide his leg hair, but there are still some pictures that “they forgot to edit”. Sho kept teasing Jun about this, as Sho thinks this is really entertaining.
  • Loves to change his hairstyle.
  • During Video Concert, he forced Ohno to sleep with him on the same pillow.
  • During elementary days, he saw a white floating figure when he was visiting a deserted hospital with his schoolmates.
  • He joined a ‘courage competition’ during elementary school, they had to go through the forest in the night without light to reach their destination. Because he was afraid, he walked in the middle of the line.
  • His personal time is from 12mn-3am.
  • He is never able to sleep whenever he is in the same room with Aiba or Nino, because Aiba grinds his teeth and Nino howls in the middle of the night.
  • He knows quite a number of shojo manga since his older sister used to buy a lot, and he used to read them too when he was younger. :p
  • His shoe size is 26.5 cm (size 10)
  • In June 1999, he knew they will debut, but he didn't find out they'll be name Arashi until the end of August when he was told by Nino and Sho.
  • The first thing he does in the morning is wash his face.
  • He loves to change his hair style.
  • He didn’t really like Oguri Shun at first when they met in Gokusen, but now they’ve become good friends.
  • He worries quite a fair bit about Arashi and how the public will respond to them, especially overseas fans.
  • He’s troubled over the fact that he gets recognized easily even though he tried to disguised himself.
  • At an interview for "Natsu no Koi wa Kijiiro ni Kagayaku" Jun-san confessed that he had never felt in love at first sight and that he would like to know how is that like.
  • For his 27th birthday Arashi members (along with staff members from Hitmitsu no arashi-chan and Arashi ni Shiyagare) prepared him a surprised party, they rented an Italian restaurant and told him that they were going to film one of the episodes of Himitsu no Arashi-chan at the restaurant. When they got there they gave him presents and presented a video of the 4 members of Arashi (Matsumoto-san was not in it) consisting of pictures their debut to present and special narrations and music put by each member. Matsumoto-san was moved to tears and said: "IT IS HAPPINESS TO BE A MEMBER OF ARASHI".
  • As he had recently become interested in Onzen (Hot springs) and Yakiniku (Korean BBQ) Arashi members Nino and Ohno got him hot spring vouchers as his 27th B-DAY present; while Aiba and Sho got him "free vouchers for 10 servings of yakiniku".
  • In 2004, he wrote a song called 'La Familia' in honour of ARASHI's fifth anniversary, and performed it at the Iza Now! concert. This song penned by him, and indirectly as a gift for his own band members, it tells the story of their journey, right from the day it all started in Hawaii, where they debuted.
  • Like other members of Arashi, Jun too has his own variety of solo's. His voice isn't the greatest, but Jun has improved greatly over the years, and sings various solo's during the group's tour concerts. Perhaps the most notable one was his solo, Yabai Yabai, a cutesy tune which mostly starts off with Jun performing various stunts whilst hanging from a wire from the concert dome.
  • Jun was once designated "Comedy Leader" of Arashi, but has lost that image as he grew up. Now, Jun is more known for his frank nature and sharp tongue, and has more then once been called a "DoS", which means extreme sadist, by his bandmates. Even Jun admits he is rather neurotic, and methodical. But even so, all of them has stated that he cares the most for the members and the group itself (though that fact can be debatable, since its not clear who loves the group more then the other), and has stated they had never properly fought ever since they were brought together, mostly due to the peaceful nature of their leader, Ohno Satoshi, and Aiba Masaki's crazy antics, a fact supported by Sakurai Sho, a fellow bandmember. Jun is also known for his serious work ethic, doing several projects at the same time.
  • A lot of publicity was generated when he made an appearance at the 47th Golden Melody Awards in Taiwan in June 2006. Dressed in a grey suit, he was frequently referred to as 'Prince Charming' in the Taiwanese media reports. 200 fans were at the airport to receive him and he recited a few Mandarin phrases while presenting the Best Directoraward.
  • Aside from acting and singing, Matsumoto has taken on hosting duties by co-hosting Utawara HotHit10 with Aya Matsuura and Wada Akiko. The most well-known moments in that program were Matsumoto's arguments with Akanishi Jin of KAT-TUN.
  • As of June 2006, he became part of an unofficial group within Johnny's Entertainment called 'No Border', which includes members like Yamashita Tomohisa of NewS, and Takizawa Hideaki of Tackey & Tsubasa. The purpose of 'No Border' is for its members to interact freely and bypass the sempai-kouhai relationships formed by JE. At the moment, he is aged 23.
  • His acting is not restricted to only onscreen work. He ventured into theatre in 2004, in a stage play of the Japanese version of 'West Side Story' as the Latin America gang leader Bernardo, and exhibited some dazzling dance moves along with his stunning acting skills. His butai in 2006, 'White Valkryie' had its tickets selling on Yahoo! Auctions for staggering prices.
  • However, it was interestingly noted that although he portrays a cool image in his work, the real Jun is a dork. He loves Harry Potter, is a bookworm, wears spectacles, and has certain nerdy actions that expose his true personality. He is the illustration of a normal boy turned a star, a normal person with enormous talent and charisma.
  • Jun can now be considered one of the best young actors in Japan, if not Asia. He is widely recognized among Japanese dorama/music fans, and has shown his talent in a variety of difficult acting roles.

V Shows
  • Lucky Seven SP (Fuji TV, 2013)
  • Lucky Seven (Fuji TV, 2012)
  • Mou Yuukai Nante Shinai (Fuji TV, 2012)
  • Natsu no Koi wa Nijiiro ni Kagayaku (Fuji TV, 2010) as Kusunoki Taiga
  • Kaibutsu-kun (NTV, 2010, ep09)
  • Wagaya no Rekishi as Yame Yoshio (Fuji TV, 2010)
  • Saigo no Yakusoku (Fuji TV, 2010)
  • Smile as Hayakawa Bito (TBS, 2009)
  • Myu no Anyo Papa ni Ageru (NTV, 2008) as Yamaguchi Hayato
  • Bambino! (NTV, 2007) as Ban Shogo
  • Hana Yori Dango 2 (TBS, 2007) as Domyoji Tsukasa
  • Yonimo Kimyona Monogatari Imakiyo-san (Fuji TV, 2006)
  • Hana Yori Dango (TBS, 2005) as Domyoji Tsukasa
  • Propose (NTV, 2005, ep1)
  • Kimi wa Pet (TBS, 2003) as "Momo" Goda Takeshi
  • Yoiko no Mikata (NTV, 2003, cameo) as Sawada Shin
  • Gokusen (NTV, 2002) as Sawada Shin
  • Kindaichi Shonen no Jikenbo 3 (NTV, 2001) as Kindaichi Hajime
  • Kowai Nichiyobi (NTV, 1999)
  • Bokura no Yuki (NTV, 1997) as Mori

  • Kakushi Toride no San Akunin / The Last Princess (2008)
  • Hana Yori Dango -Final- (2008)
  • Kiiroi Namida / Yellow Tear (2007)
  • Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru / I Love My Younger Sister (2007) as Yori
  • Tokyo Tower as "Koji" (2004)
  • Pika*nchi Life is Hard Dakara Happy (2004) as "Bon"
  • Pika*nchi Life is Hard Dakedo Happy  (2002) as "Bon"
  • Shinjuku Tanteidan Shonen / Shinjuku Boy Detectives (1998)

  • 13th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Spring 2009): Best Actor for Smile
  • 53rd Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Actor for Bambino! (2007)
  • 10th Nikkan Sports Drama Grand Prix (Jan-Mar 07): Best Supporting Actor for Hana Yori Dango 2 (2007)
  • 47th Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor for Hana Yori Dango (2005)  
  • 33rd Television Drama Academy Awards: Best Supporting Actor for Gokusen (2002)

There you go~ and as usual because I have keep this trivia in a very long, I forget where did I got some of them. Oh and your comment is really appreciated. Let's share more about Matsujun, about why you like them and anything instead taking the trivia quietly, nee~? :)

Src: here and here

[Anime] Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai

minna~ ohisashiburi..genki desuka? hihihi
Seperti biasanya, saya nggak bisa tidur dan memutuskan untuk membuat review anime. Sebenarny anime ini udah lumayan lama saya tonton, but I think it still worth to review~

  • Title: Ano Hi Mita Hana no Namae wo Bokutachi wa Mada Shiranai (We Still Don't Know the Name of Flower We Saw That Day)
  • Genre: Drama, Friendship, Supranatural
  • Soundtrack: Galileo Galilei-Aoi Shirori; Scandal-Secret Base
  • Seiyuu: 

      1. Tomatsu Haruka
      2. Kondou Takayuki
      3. Kayano Ai
      4. Sakurai Takahiro
      5. Hayami Saori
      6. Irino Miyu

Anime super sedih ini bercerita tentang 6 orang teman masa kecil. Mereka selalu bersama-sama dan bahkan membangun sebuah markas rahasia diatas bukit. Namun persahabatan mereka berakhir saat salah satu dari teman mereka, Honma Meiko (Kayano Ai) jatuh kesungai dan meninggal. Bertahun-tahun setelah itu, Yadomi Jinta (Irino Miyu) yang telah tumbuh dewasa, berhenti pergi kesekolah. Suatu hari di musim panas, dia didatangi oleh hantu Menma. Hantu Menma bilang, dia kembali ke dunia ini karena punya urusan yang belum selesai namun tidak bisa mengingat urusan apa yang ingin diselesaikannya. Menma meminta Jinta untuk mengumpulkan teman-temannya yang lain untuk membantu Menma menyelesaikan urusannya dan supaya bisa pergi ke surga. Jintan yang merasa bahwa salahnya lah maka Menma meninggal setuju untuk membantu Menma, Namun, tentu saja ga mudah bagi sahabat yang sudah tidak berbicara bertahun-tahun itu untuk kembali berteman, apalagi Jinta dianggap mengada-ada dengan mengataka bahwa dia bisa berbicara dan melihat Menma. Nah nah, penasaran kan sama apa wish sebenarnya Menma dan apa 5 sahabat itu bisa memperbaharui persahabatan mereka?

Anime ini worth banget buat di tonton, feel persahabatan dan cintanya itu berasa banget. Jalan cerita yang penuh arti dan hubungan kompleks antara mereka yang buat anime ini tambah sedih. Dijamin, airmata bakal nyocor sejak episode 10 T^Tb

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

[J-Drama] Bambino

Konbanwa~ saya baru saja selesai menonton drama Matsumoto Jun yang judulnya Bambino dan feel like sharing it !! Aaaa dorama yang satu ini bagus  plus bikin ngiler >w<d

  • Title: Bambino
  • Genre: Cooking
  • Soundtrack: We Can Make It-Arashi
  • Cast:
    1. Matsumoto Jun
    2. Osamu Mukai
    3. Sato Ryuta
    4. Karina
    5. Sasaki Kuranosuke
    6. Uchida Yuki
    7. Kitamura Kazuki

Drama yang diadaptasi dari manga  karangan Sekiya Tetsuji ini bercerita tentang seorang chef amatir yang sedikit sombong bernama Ban Shogo (Matsumoto Jun). Ban adalah mahasiswa yang berkerja part time di sebuah restoran itali di tempat tinggalnya, yaitu Hakata, Fukuoka. Suatu hari, owner restoran tempat Ban berkerja menyarankan Ban untuk pergi ke Tokyo, ke sebuah restoran Italia bernama Baccanale yang dimiliki oleh salah satu temannya, Ban tentu saja dengan senang hati pergi dan berkeraja di restoran itu selama beberapa minggu. Tapi ternyata, berkerja di restoran besar ga segampang yang Ban kira. Disana para chef sama sekali ga bersahabt dengannya, plus restoran itu super sibuk dan menu-menunya memakai bahasa Itali. Akhirnya, karena ga bisa menyesuaikan diri Ban disuruh menjadi assistan salah serang chef bernama Nozomi Katori (Sato Ryuta). Ban pun sadar kalau dia bukan apa-apa jika dibandingkan dengan chef-chef di Baccanale dan karena itu dia dijuluki Bambino (bayi yang tidak bisa melakukan apa-apa) oleh chef kepala disana.

Ga terasa, waktu magang Ban selesai. Setelah kembali ke Hakata, Ban memutuskan untuk berhenti kuliah dan berkerja di Baccanale. Dengan mengorbankan masa depan akademik dan putus dengan pacarnya, Ban pun kembali ke Tokyo, ke Baccanale. Namun disana, Ban tidak bisa langsung berkerja menjadi chef, melainkan harus 'magang' menjadi waiter selama setahun. Dengan setengah hati Ban melakukan pekerjaannya sebagai Waiter dan tentu saja karena itu Ban melakukan banyak kesalahan. Tapi akhirnya, Ban belajar bahwa untuk bisa menjadi chef yang pro, dia harus tau bagaimana ekspresi dan perasaan orang-orang yang memakan masakannya. Dibantu rekannya, chef Asuka (Karina) dan Masashi (Osamu Mukai) Ban belajar menjadi waiter sempurna.

Ending film ini climax, jadi bisa dijamin penonton bakal merasa puas, walaupun agak disayangkan sih makanan Italia yang banyak disorot cuma pasta u_u By the way, hati-hati ngiler pas nonton ya, abisnya makanan Italia keliatan enak banget, apalagi dolcenya~ XD

My Rate: 3,8 out of 5 Stars
Download: Doramax264.com
P.S: Downloadnya yang tipe mkv, soalnya yang mp4 kualitasnya ga terlalu bagus. Enjoy~